RV Park Etiquette
Hello Fellow RVer’s!
Just wanted to share some helpful information and rules to live by as you get ready to head out on your RV vacation!
RV PARK ETIQUETTE – By Dale Myers, found in MotorHome magazine June 2008
- Don’t add to noise pollution– noise affects everyone, please be aware of the noise you produce! Don’t listen to your TV or Radio too loud, don’t let your engine idle too long, and respect the quiet hours, don’t run your generator during this time. There is a reason why they have specific hours set aside for quiet!
- Don’t steal a site– First come, first serve! If a site is marked, then it is occupied. Wouldn’t you hate it is someone stole your spot while you were out getting supplies. Be respectful and treat others the way you would want to be treated!
- Don’t encroach on other campers’ sapce– Never take a shortcut across another RVer’s site! Use the walkways provided. Respect people’s space and priviacy. And a second note- keep your vehicles our of the roadway.
- Don’t allow your pets to roam wild– While most campsites are pet-friendly, this does not mean you can let them roam around freely. Look for designated areas where they can roam free, otherwise keep them on their leash. MOST IMPORTANTLY, clean up after your pet. Wouldn’t it suck if you were taking a nice peaceful walk with your significant other and accidentaly stepped in some dog poop! EWWW!
- Don’t allow your children to run wild– Same rules that apply to pets apply to children- don’t let them roam free. Not only is it dangerous, but it is a disturbance to others when you kids run wild. We encourage family travel, but you should keep your kids with you, after all…this is a family vacation!
- Don’t use your site as a repair shop– Ask the park host where there might be a specific place for you to do some work on your RV or even wash it! Nobody wants to hear the noise of a toolbox or have their site turn into mud.
- Don’t trash your site– The great outdoors is a true gift from God for all of us to enjoy, especially you RVer’s. Pollution is a crime and not to mention disgusting. Please keep your site clean, just as you would your home. When you leave make sure it was cleaner then when you got there.
- Don’t throw nonflammable items into the fire or cut down trees for personal use– Only put things into your campfire that are appropriate. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans release dangerous toxins into the air and make it unsafe to breath. If you smoke, pick up your butts, Don’t litter! Them may be small, but they are still trash! Also, bring your own firewood. Save the trees!
- Don’t leave your light on all night– Some people are sensitive to light. Please turn out the lights before your head hits the pillow!
- Don’t dump waste water on the ground– Gross! Dumping your waste on the grass is NOT good for it! There are contaminants that can be transfered to others that are walking on that same ground! SICK! Black and grey water only belong in a dump station!
Please remember these rules as you travel with your family this vacation. No matter where you are, camp ground or RV park, please live by these rules. It will make your vacation better, and your neighbors will be happy too!
Thanks – Expedition Motor Homes, Inc
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