What to Choose: Trailer or RV?
Trailer camping has become increasingly popular in recent years and as such, more styles of Orange County RV rentals have entered the market, creating a wider LA motorhome selection than ever before. Everyone has their own opinion regarding their preferred RV rental or trailer rental style, and there is nearly constant trailer vs RV debates. Ultimately, deciding if you prefer a trailer or RV is a personal choice and comes down to your specific wants and needs. Having trouble deciding? Below are some of the main differences that may help you decide if a trailer or rv is best for you.
Travel Days
When trailer camping or RV camping, a large chunk of your time will be spent on the road; thus, travel days are critical to consider, and the driving experience for an RV rental is vastly different than a trailer rental. In Los Angeles RV rentals, passengers can access the entire living space while on the road. When travelling with Orange County trailer rentals, passengers must stay in the truck or vehicle towing the trailer. That said, it is also often considerably easier to drive/pull an Orange County trailer than to drive an LA motorhome. There are pros and cons to both when it comes to travel days, and it is up to you to decide which you prefer.
Age of Children
If you are travelling with children, it is worth considering their age and maturity. Do you need them to be secured in car seats in the cab of a towing vehicle, or are they okay to wander around a moving motorhome? Would you prefer to park and start camping (as is the case in an RV), or will you have some time and grace to spend setting up camp how you would prefer? Consider the type of experience you are hoping to have with your family – and what your little ones are capable of in terms of trust, maturity, and comfort – and let those thoughts help inform your decision.
Type of Vacation
Finally, it is critical to consider what type of vacation you hope to cultivate in your RV or trailer rental. If you hope to escape into the woods, park and hang out, then an RV is perfect. If you are hoping to have a base camp while continuing to explore the surrounding area with an easier-to-drive vehicle, consider a trailer to free the towing vehicle for side trips.
There are many things to consider when exploring the various options between trailers and RVs, and the experts at 1st Choice RV are here to help. Our fleet of rental motorhomes and trailers is the best in Los Angeles, and our passionate staff knows more about these vehicles than anyone else. Whether you already have a trip planned or are working toward a summer vacation, give 1st Choice RV a call today!
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