RV rental road trips have always been a great way to get out, see the country, and spend quality time with family and friends. While ideally, your entire vacation will be sunny and beautiful, that is one of the few things we cannot guarantee at 1st Choice RV. But no need to fret! Some of the most fun you can have on RV rental road trips is within the walls of your vehicle. If the weather doesn’t cooperate for a night or two during your adventure, don’t let that get you down. Simply turn your attention elsewhere and enjoy spending time with your family doing one of our favorite indoor activities.
Board Games and Card Games
Even if the extended forecast shows sunshine for your entire trip, don’t forget to pack plenty of board games and card games for the ride. One of the unsung perks of an RV road trip is unplugging from the outside world and, rain or shine, sitting around the table and playing a game with the family is one of the best ways to do so. Depending on where your road trip leads you, some of your campgrounds may have a designated game hall as well – perfect for those rainy days.
Arts and Crafts
Another rainy day classic, making arts and crafts with your kids is a great way to pass some time and engage their creative minds. Have some ideas ready to go before you hit the road so you have all the materials on hand in case a rainy day hits when you are far away from the nearest art supply store. All Expedition Motorhome RV rentals have plenty of space to spread out and get creative, and what better time to do so than on a rainy day!
Have a Lazy Day
If rain is on the horizon, there is no shame in putting a lazy day on the calendar. Tell your kids they can stay in pajamas all day because the only expectation of them is to relax! Watch cartoons in the morning, take naps, put on a movie or two, enjoy some hot chocolate, and listen to the rain pitter patter on your motorhome roof. However you choose to be lazy is up to you, the only requirement is comfort!
Cook a Big, Delicious Meal
Whether this is an entire rainy day activity or just something tacked on to the end of an already full day, taking advantage of your RV rental kitchen is a great way to spend quality time with the family indoors. Everyone can help select the menu and participate in the preparation and cooking process. When all is said and done, you will have a big delicious feast to enjoy and will have spent hours learning, laughing, and cooking with the ones you love most.
Rainy days don’t have to put a damper on your road trip. In fact, at 1st Choice RV, some of the most fun we have had on the road has been on the rainiest of days. So don’t let the forecast get you down. Instead, get excited about all of the wonderful ways you can spend time with your family on a beautiful, drizzly day.
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