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The connected RV has arrived

Posted on Jul 25, 2014

One of the ironies of modern life is that most of us are looking for ways to “get away from it all” when we are on vacation, but at the same time we are packing along ever more electronic gear that keeps us connected. From smart phones, to iPads and other tablets and indeed right on up to our work computer, sometimes the modern vacation is a balancing act that is best achieved with a bit of reliable communications capability thrown in.

Do not let your kids away from their favorite movie

If you are travelling to CA to rent an RV, chances are good that your phone may not have the right data plan or right network capabilities to support your dream vacation and connected lifestyle. More to the point you might want to simply leave the phone off and yet still allow the kids to have access to their favorite movies, while you load happy vacation shots up to Facebook. It is after all a connected and social world that we live in.

1st Choice has the solution

If staying connected is important to you then know that 1st Choice RV has you covered.Portable Hotspot is now available with all recreational vehicles rented from 1st Choice RV, Irvine, CA or its partner Expedition Motor Homes, Calabasas, CA.  Just say, “WI-Fi me!”, and we are happy to set you up!

“WI-Fi me” and it’s free!!

With this FREE service, 1st Choice RV and Expedition Motor Homes are the only RV rental dealers west of the Mississippi to help you stay connected to the rest of the world while you’ve escaped to your own private world.

Practical uses include updating maps and directions, getting real time traffic and alternative routes,making new bookings or calling ahead to update your reservations if things change. Downloading entertainment such as movies for the kids or other movie buffs, sharing with your besties via FaceTime or Skype and if you really need to, connecting to the office are all easy and quick and the coverage from our units is generally better than most cell phones get so you can be a little further off the grid.

How it works

These Hotspots provide 4G connected WI-FI service for up to 8 users and has service provided through Sprint. They can be used while the RV is parked, or while traveling in a Sprint coverage area.  They are powered by 110v outlet plug in, micro-USB, or built in rechargeable batteries.

Contact us for other features and services that no other rental dealers offer.  Why?  Because we do more than rent RV’s. We can help you plan your routes, make suggestions as to what you want to see based on your stated preferences and perhaps as importantly steer you away from areas that may sound great but won’t meet your needs or might be not so easy to navigate to in your vehicle of choice.  We know what you need to have a fantastic vacation and love nothing better than seeing happy smiles when you check back in.


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